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Arabian Themed War Strategy Game

The legendary game Revenge of Sultans, downloaded more than 20 million times in the Middle East, is back with a brand new version!Deeply rooted in Arabic culture and history, Revenge of Sultans is a war strategy game that offers players a familiar gaming experience combined with thrilling military conflict.Redesigned from the ground up, Revenge of Sultans offers players a much more fair and challenging gaming platform than ever before!Return to the battlefield and use cunning strategy to defeat powerful enemies!Are you ready to show everyone whos in charge? Enjoy the classic gameplay we all know and love in Revenge of Sultans![Fair Battles]Deploy your troops to battlefields steeped in Arabic culture and history, and use clever strategies to annihilate your opponents!New battlefields with zero casualties - troops lost during battles will instantly recover! Hero power is no longer enough to win battles - clever strategy is the key to victory![Exclusive Castles]Earn tons of War Medals and Adv War Medals to upgrade your Castle with ease. During Ramadan, enjoy the dazzling Brilliant Ramadan Castle theme, use limited-time decorations, join festive events, and win lots of amazing rewards![Instant Upgrades]Enhance Lv.11 and Lv.12 troops for free, instantly increasing your power! Lead your troops to battle to enjoy the thrill of intense warfare![Strategy & Tactics]Deploy your troops efficiently to boost your power, and figure out the best hero and troop combinations to maximize your chance at victory. Your choices will determine the course of each and every battle![Kingdom War]Forge powerful coalitions between alliances, and join forces to attack cities and occupy vast territories. Participate in epic battles between the four kingdoms, spy on your enemies, and march toward ultimate victory! A legendary clash of war strategies is about to commence!Assemble the most powerful legions and unite the whole world under your banner!1) New Content1. Ramadan-themed content2. New Hero: Blade Master3. New Ramadan Lord Avatars2) New Events1. Ramadan event series2. Alliance Loot Escort3. Al-Miraj Challenge3) Optimizations1. Prosperity donation time has been adjusted2. Wasteland monster refresh has been optimized3. Pigeon item consumption has been optimized4. Infantry Heroes: The Executioner, the Berserker, and Karston have been adjusted for better balance5. Other optimizations

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اللعبة عنوان الجشع

1994 gg

It's very very good game thank you for giving me a million dollar, pls let my family go, i beg you


😎😎😎😎😎😎 amazing game

mido baba


الجزائر- الأحرار الحقيقيون


Moka Haroka

It's great this game



M14 ff

very good game i love it so much

MedoTube - ميزو تيوب


Ala Alalai

وببلاثمثنثهمظظثظمبمبنبقزنبنينينبتتيممنتتنظتةنممثمبمبمبممممننننظظبنخخبمبنببنيمغههيههبخههيمخزمممتيخهتتيممنييظخظمبمبخنبخهبنبهثبنبهنبمثهثثعيمخمثمماثمثهيتثمينببببنينبنبنبنبببنبننبنينبنبننبنبنبنبنينينبننبنبنينينننينينينينينبنبنينينينينينيننينينينينيننينينيييينينينينينيينييينينينيننينينبخببنلخبنلخمبخبمبخبنبننننببننقمتتتينثنينينننيكمثعينععثهقنقنلنلنىزظىظىظ ظ بخببمبككركرممرنرمرمرمرممبخيميمرمبمرمظظ برنبنبمرمىمرمرنىنرىىىىكركركركرظ خلمقخقمظلظىظىظبنرنرعبمرمرحرخمظىمبمؤمييينررزرزرظظرنرمرمرخخبممميميمخيميمتتنينب

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